Phi Epsilon Pi (ΦΕΠ)

  1. September 25, 1932 - unknown: 2207 Gordon Street
  2. 1948 - 1960: 44 S. Fulton Street
  3. 1960 - 1973: 2308 Chew street

Phi Epsilon Pi (PEP) was installed at Muhlenberg on February 6, 1932 (absorbing the former Sigma Lambda Pi). Brothers lived in their first house, located at 2207 Gordon Street, from 1932 through the first years of World War II, celebrating with a formal opening party on September 25, 1932. The exact amount of time PEP spent in this Gordon Street house is unknown, as the organization was forced inactive during the War. PEP was re-established in 1947, and acquired a house at 44 S. Fulton Street, where they lived continuously until 1960.

“In the early evening of October 6, 1949 the Phi Ep Fraternity House, located at 44 South Fulton Street was seriously damaged as a result of a fire which broke out in one of the third story rooms. The dislodged fraters were given temporary housing through the fine fraternal spirit of the other houses on campus. Repairs to the damaged dwelling were begun almost immediately, and in December the house was reopened.”

In 1960, construction on PEP’s own on-campus house was completed. This house was located on Chew Street directly next to the Hillcrest House (ATO) on what is today the upper section of the Village parking lot. 

Although the national organization of Phi Epsilon Pi was absorbed into Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) in 1961, PEP did not officially become ZBT at Muhlenberg until 1970. The first time ZBT appears in a Muhlenberg yearbook is 1973 and they are pictured in front of the 2308 Chew Street house, where they continued to live until 1995 when their charter was revoked. The house was demolished shortly thereafter during the winter of 1995-96.